Light, Heat, Thermodynamics, Wave Motion, Sound, Optics & Oscillations - Category Wise Question And Answer Practice Test With Solutions


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Question : 1

Which of the following represents convection ?

a) Heating water by keeping the vessel on a flame

b) Land breeze

c) Exhaust fan

d) All of these

Answer: (d)

All the given phenomena are caused due to convection

Question : 2 [PCS (Pre) 2005]

Sky is blue because

a) Blue colour is more absorbing to eyes

b) Short waves are scattered more than long waves by atmosphere

c) Blue colour in the Sunlight is more than other colours

d) Atmosphere absorbs long wavelength more than short wavelength

Answer: (b)

Question : 3 [PCS (Pre) 2003]

If the temperature of air increases, how would it affect its ability to assume water vapour?

a) Increase

b) Firstly decrease, then again increase

c) Decrease

d) Remains constant

Answer: (a)

Question : 4

A vibrating body

a) will produce sound which depends upon frequency

b) will always produce sound

c) may or may not produce sound if the amplitude of vibration is low

d) None of these

Answer: (a)

Question : 5 [IAS (Pre) 1995]

The variations in temperature from 0°C to 100°C with respect to time of two liquids P, Q are shown in the graph given below. Which of the following statement is correct?

Thermodynamics mcq question answer 61

a) At no point of time during heating did the two liquids have the same temperature

b) P attained the temperature of 100°C faster than Q

c) During heating, liquid P has always warmer than Q

d) Q attained the temperature of 100°C faster than P

Answer: (d)


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General Science Mcq CATEGORIES